Masithandane Walk

Masithandane (‘Let Us Love One Another’) was birthed in 2006 and has grown from an organisation that served 365 members of the community to one that currently serves 6,000 beneficiaries. Programmes are provided in a holistic way – touching lives physically, intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and economically.

The organisation supports well structured projects based at an institution that already plays a major role in offering services that are responsive, efficient and effective where they are needed the most, and promote wellness and welfare in the communities that we serve.


The organisation works collectively and collaboratively in the targeted previously disadvantaged and isolated communities in the peri-urban and outlying rural areas of Sedgefield. These communities display inequitable patterns of ownership, wealth and social and economic practices. We find a divide between the Sedgefield sophisticated urban settlement and the formal and informal settlements, in which the majority of the population is located, away from infrastructure services and employment opportunities.

Challenges facing the communities include high rates of unemployment, poor housing, high crime rate, poor infrastructure, no public transport, an increasing HIV/AIDS prevalence, gender inequality, gender based violence, teen pregnancies and alcohol abuse.

Appeal for Support

Masithandane needs ongoing support for existing successful programmes that include amongst others:

  • Care of vulnerable children including orphans.
  • Home-based care-giving and clinic support from the Wellness Centre.
  • Food security
  • Older persons’ programme
  • Promotion of information, as well as opportunities for education and training that will result in job creation, employment and self-employment like the Sedgefield Community Mosaic Art Tourism and job Creation Project

All aspects of project performance are monitored on a regular basis and all funding is account for separately by external independent auditors

Organisation Information

GRACELAND, MILKWOOD ROAD, P.O. BOX 71, SEDGEFIELD 6573 TEL (044) 3432110 FAX 0867674397


Fax to E-mail: 086-514-6989
